Frequently Asked Questions

Before you begin, we’re here to answer some common questions.

How do I know if you’re the right therapist for me?

Therapy is a subjective experience, but having a safe and trusting relationship with your therapist is the foundation for healing. Therapy is a collaborative process, and my goal is that you feel emotionally safe, understood, and validated as soon as you sit down. At the end of the initial consultation, and throughout the therapeutic process, we will assess for goodness of fit.

What difference can therapy make? I’m pretty good at working through things myself.

Beginning the therapeutic journey doesn’t signify that you can’t do it on your own, rather, it indicates that you have enough awareness to know when you need help. I believe that the therapeutic work is some of the hardest work one can do, yet it is also some of the most rewarding work. Committing to working through emotional, behavioral, communication, or relationship issues is powerful work, and consulting a professional to help guide that work can help result in lasting change.

Does my relationship need therapy? Things aren’t that bad.

You don’t want to wait until things are “that bad” to begin relationship counseling. I’m a firm believer that every couple can benefit from couples therapy. Wether it is to work through trauma or infidelity, reconnect after major life transitions such as a new baby or job changes, or to fine tune communication skills, you certainly don’t need to be on the verge of collapse to benefit from couples therapy.

What kind of therapy do you do? What theoretical approach do you use?

Although I use an eclectic model, I pull strongly from the Gottman Method for my work with relationships, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to guide my work with individuals. I operate from a Trauma Informed and Culturally Sensitive Approach, which is the foundation for all of my work.

What can I expect from therapy?

Because therapy is such a personal experience, it looks and feels different from each person. I tailor my treatment approach to meet the specific needs goals of each individual and couple that I work with. In our first session, we will identify goals for our work together - that will help to guide our work, and give us a point of reference, and we will check in throughout our work to ensure we’re getting closer to meeting them.

How often will we meet?

While I believe that each individual and couple is in charge of their therapeutic journey, I think emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and communicative change happens best with consistency.

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120 E. State St. Suite 203 Media PA 19063